school renovation

We are thrilled to announce that due to Ms. Rios’ dedication, hard work, persistence, and prayers, we have been accepted to receive the Shea Foundation Grant to complete numerous renovations across our school campus. As mentioned in the last PTO meeting, we were originally not awarded this grant. Fortunately, our prayers have been answered and the Shea Foundation has awarded the grant to our school. Construction will begin on June 17, 2024 and we will need parent volunteers to help as soon as possible with various tasks including packing everything in the library, classrooms, cafeteria, and offices. Some classrooms have already begun packing up as shipping containers will arrive later next Monday and we will need to move boxes from classrooms to containers. We have a lot to do over the summer, but we are confident that as a community we can fulfill Ms. Rios’s dream to rejuvenate our school and the atmosphere for our students. We are excited about this grant and extremely grateful to Ms. Rios and the Shea Foundation for making this a reality.